The continuous development of the existing strong relationships with mining and metallurgical enterprises.

Wenga Sp. z o.o. was established in July 2015. Our company cooperates with the largests mining and metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine and Poland. We arrange supplies of ferroalloys and quartzite to the Polish market. We sell coal of various grades for the needs of metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine. WENGA sp. z o. o. is an agent in concluding contracts with consumers in Ukraine for the benefit of Polish producers. Our company is a reliable partner in the supply of coke production products. WENGA sp. z o.o. has its own fleet and provides services for the transportation of bulk cargo through the territory of Poland and the European Union.
We are ready to develop our strong relations with mining and metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine and Poland in the field of supplies of the equipment, materials and raw materials for the industry.

WENGA - sprawozdanie ze strategii podatkowej stosowanej w 2022 roku.pdf